Ralationship between two numbers

This webpage shows several different relationships between two numbers that can be changed and viewd, but it also shows different properties of the two numbers alone, combined, diveded, and so on. This is a project I'm working on for testing the Vue.js framework.


Number A Number B

Number A:

{{ numberA }}

Number B:

{{ numberB }}

Prime numbers?

{{numberA}} {{isPrime(numberA)}}

{{numberB}} {{isPrime(numberB)}}


Formula Calculation Result
\({A}-{B}\) {{ numberA }} - {{numberB}} {{ numberA - numberB }}
\({B}-{A}\) {{ numberB }} - {{numberA}} {{ numberB - numberA }}
\({A}*{B}\) {{ numberA }} * {{ numberB }} {{ AtimesB }}
\({B}*{A}\) {{ numberB }} * {{ numberA }} {{ BtimesA }}
\(\frac{A}{B}\) {{ numberA }} / {{ numberB }} {{ AdivB }}
\(\frac{B}{A}\) {{ numberB }} / {{ numberA }} {{ BdivA}}
\(\frac{A}{B}*{100}\) {{ numberA }} / {{ numberB }} * 100 {{ ApercentB }} (%)
\(\frac{B}{A}*{100}\) {{ numberB }} / {{ numberA }} * 100 {{ BpercentA }} (%)
\(\frac{A-B}{B}*{100}\) ({{ numberA }} - {{ numberB }}) / {{ numberB }} * 100 {{AdifB}}
\(\frac{B-A}{A}*{100}\) ({{ numberB }} - {{ numberA }}) / {{ numberA }} * 100 {{BdifA}}

This is a project developed and all code, including prime number check, is developed by Thomas Gabrielsen.
If you want to use any part of it in your project, please send me an email to the address belove.

All calculations is done with Vue.js. Markup and styling is done with HTML, CSS, Bootstrap and MathJax.

This is WIP. If you have some suggestions to relations or properties between numbers, or if you find any bugs, please let me know.

Email: thomas.at.arton.no (replace the .at. with an @)