Thomas's Playground

Unit conversion calculators

Convert input values between different measurement units (e.g. metric <-> imperial).

Anagram Generator

Generates all possible words with the characters with a length > 1, and < or = to the the string provided by the user found in the selected database. Currently there is only two Norwegian databases.

  • the official Scrabble/Wordfeud Norwegian (bokmål) word list.
  • the official list of Norwegian (bokmål) words

I plan to include more databases, but currently I'm working on optimize the search algorithm and implement a cache. A search with a string of 7 characters with the Scrabble/Wordfeud database containing 768.317 words takes between 6 - 8 seconds, which is too slow.

Collatz conjecture

The Collatz conjecture is a conjecture in mathematics that concerns sequences defined as follows:

  • if the previous term is even, the next term is one half of the previous term.
  • if the previous term is odd, the next term is 3 times the previous term plus 1.
  • the conjecture is that no matter what value of n, the sequence will always reach 1.

The conjecture is named after Lothar Collatz, who introduced the idea in 1937, two years after receiving his doctorate.

Wikipedia oversetter

Oversetter ord og uttrykk fra norsk til engelsk med Wikipedia.

  • Oversetter norske ord og uttrykk til engelsk ved å bruke søke opp ordet på norsk for så å åpne den engelske utgaven for samme ord/uttrykk og hente ut overskriften.
  • Jeg fikk ideen til å lage denne siden da jeg ofte har brukt denne metoden for å finne ord og uttrykk jeg ikke finner i norsk-engelske ordøbker.
  • Teknisk: Jeg bruker et php-bibliotek som heter "PHP Simple HTML DOM Parser" til "web scraping". Denne er en forenklet, men likevel kraftig versjon av Beautiful Soup (Python). Det er den opprinnelige utgaven fra Source Forge jeg linker til her, men den er forket mange ganger og man finner mange versjoner på GitHub. Jeg vil ikke lenke til en spesiell versjon da jeg ikke vet hvilken som er best, men jeg anbefaler å se på statistikken til hver fork og se hvilken som ble oppdatert sist, hvor lenge de har blitt vedlikeholdt, hvor mange brukere den har, osv.

Prime numbers

Finds prime numbers by using the old Greek mathematician Eratosthenes' algorithm, called "Eratosthenes sieve".
You can now also check if a single number is a prime number or not.

Your public IP-address and hostname

Returns your IP-address, hostname and location (if your browser accepts it)

Caesar Cipher

A classic Caesar Cipher.


Playing with trigonometry and canvas. More to come soon!

Browser benchmark stress test

A simple browser performance test tool. A tool see how efficient browsers draws and recalculate x number of ellipses on canvas meassured in frames per second.

Handleliste / Shoping list (in Norwegian)

A very simple shoping list. This is work in progress, but if you want to test it log in using this credentials:

  • Username: demo
  • Password: demo

This will log you in as a standard user. If you want to log in as a superuser send an email to thomas|at| and I will send you login information for an admin account. With an admin account you can:

  • Create new acounts
  • Modify and delete other accounts
  • More to come


  • There will be a list of all grocary products and their prices so you don't have to add it.
  • Develop a template that can be where you can add your color scheeme and logo for the customer
  • Debugging!
  • Make the site dynamic
  • Debugging!
  • The design is fluid and it works on smart phones and tablets
  • And a lot more!

Jobblog / Work log (in Norwegian)

A very simple work log I developed some years ago more easily keep track of what I have done and how long time I used on each task and on the projects. This log ws completed but unfortunately I cant't find the final project files. Why didn't I use Git? I don't have a good answer for that. It was a small project I developed over a couple of days and simply forgot to upload it to Git.:

Anyway, I found some an early version on my server and decided to complete. Again!

Functionality to implement:

  • A user based system with user and admin roles
  • Delete projects


  • Fix unfinished parts:
  • The projects doesn't load in correctly when I click the edit button (the pencil) on tasks.Easy to fix!
  • Total amount of time used on each projects isn't calclated. Easy to fix!
  • Debugging!
  • Debugging!

The relations between two numbers

Shows several relations between two numbers of users choice. This is still a work in process.
This is done playing with Vue.js for datahandling and MathJax for formating mathematic formulas.

Simulate dice tosses

I got a question on Facebook about probability when rolling dice. The case was as follow:

  • Use two dice
  • What is the probability to get to equal values?
  • Second, what is the probability that the the dies is equal and that both are 1.
To test if the calculation was correct, I made a simulation in JavaScript. To get statistically significant data I found that I had to run 2000 tosses. To be able to follow the progress I am using the 'setInterval()' set to run every 20 milliseconds.
It confirmed the theory.

A spider web-ish project using canvas

It's just a few lines of code to make this work. It doesn't do much, but I like it so I include it anyway. After all, it's my playground! :-)

Tor relay

Temporarily Share Your Bandwidth!

Help people safely access the internet using Snowflake.
To try it out temporarily you can enable the toggle button and keep this tab open.

Or, if you want to help more frequently you can add Snowflake as a browser extension and then Snowflake will run and be available to users while you browsing internet you open a browser with the extension installed.

Download and install the extension's for Firefox and/or Chrome here: Firefox or Chrome!

Read more about Snowflake at

PS: If you live in a country with heavily censored internet, please do not use Snowflake as the users that is using your Snowflake relay will be censored as well.